1.What are WhiteGAPS?
WhiteGAPS are polyester liners that function as barrier devices that are inserted in nitrous oxide hoods to prevent cross-contamination among patients.
2.What does the word “GAPS” in WhiteGAPS stand For?
GAPS actually means Gas Apparatus Protectors®. The liner protects the nitrous oxide hood from contamination, and patients from cross-contamination.
3.Of what materials are WhiteGAPS made?
WhiteGAPS are made of spun-bonded polyester.
4.Why should I use WhiteGAPS?
WhiteGAPS help reduce cross-contamination by preventing direct contact of the skin with the nitrous oxide hood, therefore preventing contamination with skin secretions, makeup, creams, etc. In addition, WhiteGAPS prevent transfer of nasal secretions to the hood.
5.Are WhiteGAPS comfortable for my patients?
Yes, WhiteGAPS provide a cushioning effect by preventing direct contact of the hood with the face.
6.Will WhiteGAPS fit all reusable nitrous oxide hoods?
WhiteGAPS are flexible enough to fit any nitrous oxide hood. WhiteGAPS also come in a smaller size for children.
7.Do WhiteGAPS interfere with the effectiveness of nitrous oxide?
No. WhiteGAPS are porous enough to allow normal flow of oxygen and nitrous oxide.
8.Just how effective are WhiteGAPS as a barrier?
WhiteGAPS are very effective barriers. Test results showed excellent filtration efficiency for aerosolized microorganisms.
9.Should I use WhiteGAPS even if I use a disposable hood?
Yes. Nitrous oxide hoses become contaminated by nasal droplets and humidified air from patients. Use of disposable hoods does not prevent cross-contamination from hoses. WhiteGAPS can help prevent cross-contamination from both hoods and hoses.
10.Can patients breathe normally with WhiteGAPS inserted in the hood?
Yes. WhiteGAPS do not interfere with normal breathing. Pulse oximeter tests demonstrate no difference in blood oxygen concentrations with or without use of WhiteGAPS.
11.What if a patient’s eyelashes brush against the barrier?
WhiteGAPS are easily trimmed with scissors for those patients who are blessed with long lashes.
12.Are WhiteGAPS expensive?
No. WhiteGAPS are a very inexpensive method of infection control. When bought in quantity, savings are even more significant.
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If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed here, please email us or call 800.755.0044.